
刘玉璇1,李倩倩1,王宇慧1,沈 力2,李泽玉2,张璐璐1,马 超1*


摘要:“九蒸九制”是制备黄精即食食品最为广泛应用的加工工艺,但黄精加工过程中的感官特性变化及其物质基础尚不明确。该研究以黄精(P. sibiricum)为原料,分别采用评价员定量描述性感官评价和理化测定方法分析黄精“九蒸九制”过程中的感官特性与化学组成的变化,进而结合主成分分析方法(PCA)与相关性分析确定其感官特性的主要变化及其与化学组成之间的相关性,解析感官品质变化的物质基础。结果表明,黄精在蒸制加工过程中感官特性变化显著,麻舌感和生青味在三蒸三制后完全消失,苦味、涩感和酸味随着蒸制次数增加逐渐加强,颜色逐渐加深,甜味则先增加后减少。甜味的增加主要源自蒸制加工导致多糖水解产生了大量果糖和葡萄糖,酸味的变化主要源自总酸、黄酮和总酚的增加,而涩感和颜色的变化主要与皂苷和美拉德反应产生的类黑精含量变化有关。该研究结果有助于黄精“九蒸九制”加工工艺的控制和相关标准的制定。


中图分类号:R283.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-506X(2025)01-0016-0009

Research on the Sensory Quality Change and Chemical Components of Polygonatum sibiricum in the Process of “Nine Steaming Nine Drying”

LIU Yuxuan1,LI Qianqian1,WANG Yuhui1,SHEN Li2,LI Zeyu2,ZHANG Lulu1,MA Chao1

(1.College of Biological Science and Technology,Beijing Key Laboratory of Forest Food Processing and Safety,Beijing Forestry University,Beijing 100083,China;2.Zhengzhou Jiufang Yunkang Biotechnology Co.,Ltd.,Zhengzhou 450000,China)

Abstract: “Nine Steaming Nine Drying” is the most widely used processing technology for preparing Polygonatum sibiricum ready-to-eat food, but the changes of sensory characteristics and its chemical components in the processing are still unclear. In this paper, the changes of sensory characteristics and chemical composition of P. sibiricum in the process of “Nine Steaming Nine Drying” were analyzed using quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA) sensory evaluation by evaluators and physical and chemical determination method respectively, followed by principal component analysis(PCA) and correlation analysis to determine the main changes in sensory characteristics and their correlation with chemical composition, and analyze the material basis of sensory quality changes. Results showed that the sensory characteristics of P. sibiricum changed significantly during the process. The numbness of the tongue and grassy flavor completely disappeared after three cycles of steaming and drying, the bitterness, astringency and sour taste gradually increased, the color gradually deepened, and the sweetness first increased and then decreased. The increase in sweetness was mainly due to the large amount of fructose and glucose produced by polysaccharide hydrolysis caused by heat processing, the change in sour taste was mainly due to the increase in total acids, flavonoids and phenolic, and the change in astringency and color was mainly related to saponins and the change in the content of melanoid produced by Maillard reaction. The study is helpful to the control of the processing technology of “Nine Steaming Nine Drying” of Polygonatum sibiricum and the development of relevant standards.

Keywords:Polygonatum sibiricum;nine steaming and nine drying;sensory characteristics;polysaccharide;saponin





  • 双月刊

  • 四川省经济和信息化厅

  • 四川省食品发酵工业研究设计院有限公司

  • 《食品与发酵科技》编辑部

  • 四川省成都市温江区杨柳东路中段98号

  • 611130

  • 028-82763572

  • ISSN1674-506X

  • CN51-1713/TS

  • 62-247